I also scored another big bag of yarn with more pastels, one of them a pretty pink that I'm using to make my a scarf for my friend's new baby. (Can't get the pics to load for those this time arond though).
I also found this pretty pillow with the cool oriental pattern on it. I think we bought one like it from our neighbors when we got our sofa and chair, so I grabbed this one up. I almost left it, but my mom made a good point when she mentioned that even if it didn't work for our living room, for fifty cents we had an insert for another pillow.
Jon picked up the Mulan soundtrack and I found this adorable jar that has no real purpose other than it was cute and I liked it. I'm thinking it will be good for q-tips.
I don't think I've ever taken a trip where I haven't brought along something to read. This time around though, all my books were packed. Granted, I have enough knitting and crocheting stuff to keep me busy, but I enjoy Jennifer Crusie so I picked this up for some pre-bedtime reading. I couldn't resist these little tupperware containers, mainly because I want to try to make Bento boxes and these are the perfect size and shape for them. My only reservation was the pattern on top of the white lidded containers. However, I think Jon's going to help me paint them, so that can just be another crafty project.
After thrifting we came home to relax. Come to find out, my parents do have internet, it's just not wireless so we're having to share one connection. Not really a big deal. We're heading to my grandma's tomorrow and I'm pretty sure there will be no internet to be had where she lives. Tonight we're just going to hang with the parents and leave fairly early tomorrow morning for Mio. So far, the trip has been nice...my parents even took the news of the engagement well and everyone is getting along. My sister can't bring my nephew over tonight, but I'll get to see him next Wednesday. Next week I'll also get to hang with some friends down here and do some more thrifting.