First of all....hi there new followers! The story of my life is that I come and go, blog then disappear, and though I always have the best intentions of keeping up with all my blogs, I always end up failing somewhere. Unfortunately, this blog often gets forgotten.
As to what's been happening in my world, 2011 has been a busy year and we're not even two months out. At the start of the year, I went into a partnership with a friend as a
Passion Parties consultant.
In January I helped my friends move to Oklahoma from Michigan and learned how intense road trips can be.
Last weekend, J and I celebrated our first year of wedded bliss.
In two days, we're going to Wichita to go car shopping. My girl is pretty high up in miles, so it's time to trade her in for something that will travel with us just as much as she did.
At some point in the next couple of weeks, I will be starting classes through the
American Institute of Baking. I work for the company and so have an idea of what the courses are like. This will also determine if I've grown up enough to do well in a school type setting again.
J and I have already bought our badges and booked our hotel room for Gen Con in August. This year, we're taking one of the BILs and a friend of ours along to help lower costs.
I've been reading and knitting and trying to spread my time among all my hobbies equally. I stopped posting my book reviews but will start again after I finish the current book I'm reading. As for knitting, I've been working on hats to send as Pay It Forward gifts to friends. I dabbled in a little bit of crochet too and am planning on learning more this year, even if I just read through "Crochet for Dummies." Here is the standard granny square afghan I just finished.
I call it my Spumoni blanket because for some reason, it reminds me of the ice cream.
I've been batting around what to do with this blog for a long time, and I think I'm going to stop trying to make it one thing or another. I'll continue to share projects and pictures, but I might also do some ranting and some more personal things (nothing too personal though...mostly because I really have nothing scandalous to share). Once again, we'll see how it goes and keep on keepin' on.