Wednesday, July 7, 2010

From the Queue: Thr3E, Seven Pounds, and Asian Horror

J and I have an insane amount of movies on our Netflix queue, so I decided to try to pare down some of it by watching some things that have been on there awhile or deleting things I’ve decided I really don’t want to see. Movie and TV watching is one of my go-to activities for when I’m knitting, so generally the more TV I watch, the more knitting I accomplish.

This past weekend, we watched several movies. The first was the movie “Thr3e,” a fairly non-mainstream filmed based on the book by Ted Dekker. The main character, a seminary student, begins receiving threats from a voice telling him to confess his sins. When he doesn’t do what the mad man asks, something or someone gets blown up. With the help of a detective who lost her brother to the psycho and his best friend from childhood, the student tries to figure out what the bomber wants before more people are killed. It sounds like a pretty straightforward movie, but it’s got some turns I didn’t see coming. The acting wasn’t great, but it’s the kind of story that sticks with you after it’s over. Dekker is known as a Christian writer, but the nuances are subtle in the movies (I have yet to read one of his books, though I’d like to at some point).

“Seven Pounds” stars Will Smith and is supported by Rosario Dawson and Woody Harrelson. My first impression of this movie was that it was really slow. Will Smith plays a tax man who, at first glance, seems to be on a mission to help random people. The mystery of the story unfolds, though, and the story gains some depth. While it still felt sluggish, the ending was worth it and it was another movie that kind of haunted me afterwards. Good acting in this one. I like Will Smith and I love Harrelson, so even though he wasn’t a main character, he still added a lot to the movie for me.

My BIL and I watched a couple Asian horror movies. J is not a fan, so even though I found I could watch subtitled movies while knitting, I’m still on my own with these ones. The first was “A Tale of Two Sisters,” a weird story about two sisters and a mystery concerning their father, their stepmother, a strange presence that haunts the house. It was fairly creepy and a little confusing. I think I understood about half the weirdness and the rest just went over my head. The second was “Shutter.” This was made into an Americanized version a few years back, and there didn’t seem to be many changes to the plotline. I still felt the Asian version was better. If you haven’t seen this one (either version), a young couple is haunted by the image of a ghost that keeps showing up in the pictures the man takes. When his friends all begin committing suicide, the couple goes to find out the mystery behind a woman they hit on the road one night.
Also, we slogged through the first two movies of the Star Wars series (Episodes 1 & 2). The first one is okay. “Attack of the Clones” was a couple hours I can’t get back. I’ll be happy to get to the original three, though I’ve seen parts of “Revenge of the Sith” and found it fairly entertaining, even if the acting didn’t get any better.


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